
1.HTML Raw Design


HTML,Which Stands to Hypertext Markup Language, Is a Language Based on tags , there are over 1000+ Tags In HTML But There is Some Of Them Which Are Important, Like The HTML Tag Itself. Some Of the tags have ending tags (like html) and some of them dont!(like br)

1.1 Head Tag

Head Tag is an Essential Tag in HTML, its where the html knows that your paragraphs or other elements are going to be like human body , it has head and a body

Popular Tags:
  1. <Title> (required in every HTML document)
  2. -The Name Of The Website
  3. <Style>
  4. -Internal CSS Tag
  5. <Base>
  6. -Start Of All of the Links In Page
  7. <Link>
  8. -Way To Use External CSS
  9. <Meta>
  10. -Gives Meta Data to HTML Page
  11. <Script>
  12. -Is Used For JavaScript Codes
  13. <Noscript>
  14. -Its like If Condition, If the user Browser Blocked JavaScript Or Doesn't Support It, you can Use this

1.2 Body Tag

The body tag is a crucial element in HTML that defines the main content area of a web page. It is the container for all the visible elements that will be displayed on the web page, such as text, images, links, and other multimedia content.

  1. Headings:
  2.    - Used to create headings and subheadings.
  3. Paragraphs:
  4.    - Used to create paragraphs of text.
  5. Links:
  6.    - Used to create hyperlinks.
  7. Images:
  8.     - Used to insert images.
  9. Lists:
  10.     - Used to create list items within a ul or ol list.
  11. Formatting:
  12. Divisions and Sections:
  13. Multimedia:
  14. Forms:
  15. Tables:


Examples Of CSS:




Still Improving!

Thanks For Teacher Talebi For Teaching All Of This ♥